How to avoid losing your teeth in your old age!
Our priority for every patient that comes to us is preventing future dental problems. Our Mission (should you choose to accept it!) is to help you feel great about your teeth, safe in the knowledge that you have overcome any concerns with gum disease and tooth decay.
To help you reach this goal we will gently assess your eating and oral hygiene habits and teach you and your family how to improve both of these areas of your lives- crucial to the long term health of your gum’s and teeth.
Seeing our dental hygienists at least twice a year is recommended. They will search for any weaknesses in your oral hygiene and gently efficiently remove any damaging hardened plaque from you gums/teeth.
We also provide every patient suffering from tooth decay with a ‘Diet Sheet’- you can record your normal food and drink intake for a week so we can pin point where the often ‘hidden’ between meal sugar intake is happening, which could be contributing to your tooth decay.
Once the culprit’s are identified we will suggest alternatives that could help you remove those bad habits from your diet and after a month we will provide a complimentary review of your new dietary intake – to check you are getting on well.
For more information check out the information below or come in to the practice for more advice. Also you can download our diet sheet, complete it in your own time and bring it to the practice with you.